Guitar Ninjas

Guitar Ninjas is two-location guitar school in Southern California. Businesses like music schools and music supply stores have very dull branding. This gave me an opportunity to bring back a true rock and roll vibe that would differentiate them from all other schools. The ninja part of the school is all about mindset, so I made that a much more prominent element in the brand. Rock and Roll plus mindset is what Guitar Ninjas is all about.


Based upon Japanese sumi brush art, the circle represents completeness. Combined with a brush guitar it exemplifies the brand ethos.


The manifesto lays out the Guitar Ninja’s experience, using Jimmy Page as an example. Music is mastered through mindset.


The entire brand is summed up in six words.

Typography and Palette

Rock and Roll colors, with bold and legible typography makes the brand exciting and fun.


The new branding spills perfectly into the Guitar Ninjas site.


I created a catalog of artwork to accentuate the brand and add to the excitement.


The brand is used on merch which is sold at the school for added revenue.


The yellow,  purple, and black create bold signage that can’t be missed.