LemonShark is an entry into the trendy and increasingly saturated poké restaurant category. The client wanted to raise their poké restaurants closer to the experience of a sit-down sushi bar and farther from the glut of fast-casual poké joints.
I came up with the name ‘LemonShark’ after learning how, unlike most species of sharks that feed on almost anything, the lemon shark is very discerning about its prey, and will only hunt for the best fish it can find. The client went in a different direction with the logo but my LemonShark concept, naming, tagline, brand strategy, messaging, manifesto, and voice is intrinsic to every part of the business.
Brand Concept and Strategy, Name, Logo, Tagline, Manifesto, Typography, Palette, Copy and Tone, In-Store Graphics, Apparel, Brand Guide
The new branding brought LemonShark from one to 23 franchises nationwide.